
i'm running, but i'm still a girly girl

So here's been my challenge these last few weeks - having enough daylight to get my runs in before the sky turns dark at 7 p.m. That's the thing about winter - it's dark in the morning and dark evening. And I'm in the office during the sunshine! Although in full disclosure, it'd be hard for me to get up and run that early in the morning even if there was enough light. I am just not a morning girl, nor am I a wash-my-hair-and-ready-in-15-minutes girl. I like my sleep. I like my bathroom time. I don't care who knows it. So thankfully, I'm at the start of my training [week #3] and my weekday runs are still short. And I'm noticing the sky stays lightish a few minutes longer each day. But you know - the lighter the sky gets each day, the longer my runs will be!


  1. Anonymous24.2.09

    I just love it KR! I couldn't be more proud of you for taking on this challenge and know that on so many levels you are going to be changed by it. (Some may be painful, like falling on the Monon in front of people and crying all the way to your friends so they can clean you up(wink) but most will be wonderful life-long memories). Enjoy the journey ... I'm so glad I get to be a little part of it!

  2. Anonymous26.2.09

    Yeah, I know what you mean! I can't make myself run in the mornings either, it has to be evenings. Much so not a morning person! But it doesn't matter when you do, just that you do it. :) Anyway, I donated $25 for your cause, in memory of one of my best friends Jina Myers who died of luekemia at age 7.
